Source code for chromosight.utils.stats

"""Chromosight's stats submodule contains helper function to compute statistical estimators from distributions"""

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as ss

[docs]def fdr_correction(pvals): """ Applies false discovery rate correction via the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure to adjust input p-values for multiple testing. . Parameters ---------- pvals : numpy.array of floats Array of uncorrected p-values. Returns ------- fdr : numpy.array of floats Array of corrected p-values (q-values). """ if pvals is None: qvals = None else: pvals = np.array(pvals) # get descending indices by_descend = pvals.argsort()[::-1] # Get mapping from sorted to original indices by_orig = by_descend.argsort() # Compute the ratio of n_pval by ranks, which can then be # multiplied by p-values to get the critical value steps = float(len(pvals)) / np.arange(len(pvals), 0, -1) # Compute critical values and find last p-value below above it # Set all other to the same value and back to 1 if higher qvals = np.minimum(1, np.minimum.accumulate(steps * pvals[by_descend])) # Unsort q-values to get original order qvals = qvals[by_orig] return qvals
[docs]def corr_to_pval(corr, n, rho0=0): """ Given a list of Pearson correlation coefficient, convert them to two-sided log10 p-values. The p-values are computed via the fisher transformation described on: Parameters ---------- corr : numpy.array The Pearson correlation coefficients. n : int or numpy.array The number of observations used to compute correlation coefficients. Can be given as an array of the same size as corr to give the number of sample in each coefficient. rho0 : float The correlation value under h0. We test if corr is significantly different from rho0. Returns ------- numpy.array The array of log10-transformed two-sided p-values, same size as corr. """ if isinstance(n, int): n = np.repeat(n, corr.shape) elif isinstance(n, np.ndarray): if n.shape != corr.shape: raise ValueError("corr and n must have identical shapes.") # Apply Fisher z-transformation on coefficients z_score = np.arctanh(corr) - np.arctanh(rho0) # Get values of the cumulative standard distribution for each zscore # Zscores are all set to negative so as to obtain the tail, resulting # p-values are multiplied by two to obtain the two-sided values # (distribution is symmetric) pvals = 2 * ss.norm().cdf(-np.abs(z_score * np.sqrt(n - 3))) return np.log10(pvals)